Google Ads 101: Which Ones Are Most Effective for Driving Online Sales

Alright, let's talk about Google Ads… the ultimate way to make your business blow up faster than a firecracker on the 4th of July.

So, what the heck are Google Ads? Simply put, they're online advertisements that appear on Google search results, YouTube, and other websites. You know those annoying little ads that pop up when you're trying to watch a cat video? Yeah, those are the ones.

If you're a growing business looking to make some serious sales online, you're gonna want to know which Google Ads are the most effective. Lucky for you, I'm here to spill the beans.

  1. Search Ads.: These are the ads that show up at the top of a Google search results page when someone types in a specific keyword or phrase. They're great for targeting people who are actively searching for what you're selling, and they can be super effective if you know how to use them right.

  2. Display Ads: These are the ads that show up on websites that are part of the Google Display Network. They can be in the form of banners, videos, or other types of ads, and they're great for building brand awareness and reaching a wider audience.

  3. Shopping Ads. These are the ads that show up when someone searches for a product on Google, and they include an image, price, and other relevant information. They're perfect for ecommerce businesses looking to drive sales, as they show people exactly what they're getting and how much it costs.

So there you have it. If you're looking to take your business to the next level and start raking in some serious cash online, give Google Ads a try.

Remember: Search Ads for targeting, Display Ads for awareness, and Shopping Ads for sales.

Want some help with getting your Google Ads account up and running? Email us to get started.


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